These grants help investigators to pursue groundbreaking research in the field of decontamination.
Application period
The application period starts from 1st of May and finishes at 31st of August of every fiscal year. When the application period is open, it will be announced on WFHSS website and the member associations will be informed with an official email from WFHSS office.
The maximum amount granted per project is 25 % of the overall material costs with a maximum of EUR 10’000. WFHSS funding may be used to support the entire project or part of the project.
Project criteria
- The research project may be based on laboratory investigations, clinical studies, experimental animal studies, or a combination of these.
- Research must be done in one of WFHSS member countries.
- Research projects may continue for a maximum of 24 months and must start during the corresponding Research Grant year.
- Applications will be peer-reviewed and the best projects will be selected based on the application and research proposal (see application procedure).
Eligibility criteria of applicants
- Applicant must be the principal investigator for the proposed research.
- Applicant must be a member of one of WFHSS member associations.
- Applicants who have received a WFHSS research grant in the past two years are ineligible.
- Members of the WFHSS Executive Committee are ineligible.
What you need to apply
All documentation is to be submitted electronically to WFHSS Scientific Project Coordinator and no hard copies are required. When submitting, please have the following documentation ready. Also make sure you have uploaded the correct documents. After the deadline, you cannot make changes to any part of your application.
- PDF-Document (Surname.pdf max 4MB) with:
- summary of your research project (summary length from 1 paragraph to 1 page);
- 3 to 5 keywords that best characterize your project;
- introduction (objectives, background, rationale or purpose of the project);
- research plan (incl. design, material & methods, data analysis);
- budget (equipment, consumables);
- description of your present research;
- CV;
- list of publications.
- Scanned files (Surname_support1.pdf max 4MB and Surname_support2.pdf max 4MB) of 2 supporting letters *preferably one from the National Association*.
- A colour photograph file (Surname_Firstname.tiff, .eps or .jpg max 4MB) at least 4 x 6 cm with 300 dpi resolution for publication
The grantee must include in a separate file a detailed breakdown of the funds used. This breakdown is to be signed by the department.
In addition the grantee must submit an at least two-page report to the WFHSS Scientific Project Coordinator upon completion of the research project. It should include:
- A short introduction summarising current knowledge for the non-specialist
- The study hypothesis
- The main findings
- Conclusions from the investigation
Instead of the report, the grantee may submit proof of a published paper or abstract reporting results from the research project.
One of the above will be published on the WFHSS website with appropriate copyright reference if applicable and respecting of the appropriate embargo requirements.
The financial report and the final report shall be submitted to the WFHSS Scientific Project Coordinator within two months after project completion.
Payment of grant
After approval, the institution has to send an invoice of 50% of the funds. The funds will be transferred to the institution upon start of the project or at the beginning of January of the following year if the project has already started. The remaining 50% of the approved funds are paid out after receipt of a final invoice and the final report or equivalent (see “Reporting” above).
Application procedure
Applications are accepted until 31 August of every fiscal year, 12.00h CET.
Applications must be sent to WFHSS Scientific Officer’s address: SEND EMAIL
The WFHSS Scientific Committee will select the project(s) and determine appropriate grant support.
Decision will be approved by the Executive Committee of the WFHSS. Applicants will be notified of the decision by the beginning of October of every year and grantees will be announced at the
Annual WFHSS Congress every year. Please refrain from inquiring on the status of your application before this date.
Research Grant – Information as PDF