
The Scientific Publication Page aims to improve the quality, relevance, and accessibility of scientific content while ensuring compliance with copyright regulations and alignment with the guidelines of the World Federation for Hospital Sterilization Sciences (WFHSS).

>> Read the author guidelines

Author Guidelines:

Acceptable Publications:

  • Summary of independent publications not subject to copyright
    The summary should include background/rationale for the study, objectives, methods, results, perspectives for the WFHSS community.
    A link to the full, peer-reviewed article can be provided if available.
  • Summary of unpublished research, development, and quality improvement projects
    The summary should include background/rationale for the study, objectives, methods, results, perspectives for the WFHSS community.
  • Opinion and Debate Articles
    Thought-provoking pieces on relevant scientific or industry topics.

Unacceptable Publications:

  • Articles containing commercial content intended for promotion or marketing, such as product articles, industry insights from a commercial perspective, or content marketing pieces, will not be accepted.


To maintain high-quality standards, all submissions will be reviewed before publication:

  • Review Team: The EC scientific officer and a WFHSS EC member will evaluate each submission.
  • Evaluation Criteria: Submissions will be assessed for relevance, originality, clarity, methodology, and compliance with WFHSS guidelines.
  • Publication Access: Approved articles will be freely available on the WFHSS website.



Sterile Science – Reprocessing of surgical instruments is a collective task!
Author: Associate Professor Karin BUNDGAARD

Microbial Barrier Tests for Sterile Barrier System (i.e. : Sterilization Wraps)
Authors: Dr. Christine DELEBECQUE DENIS, Dr. Menno DUFOUR


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